Hounded By Lust (A BBW Paranormal Werewolf Erotic Romance) Read online

  Hounded By Lust

  By D.A. Chambers

  Copyright © 2013 D.A. Chambers

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Cover photo © Illusive Photography

  Designed and Edited by D.A. Chambers

  Chapter One

  Shit, I’m late! I thought to myself in a panic as I realized just what time it was. I shot out of bed in a hurry, brushed my teeth, threw on my classiest suit and dark black business skirt, accessorized with my favorite turquoise beaded necklace and rushed out the door. I heard the lock click before I forgot one vital thing. I unlocked the door, rushed in and grabbed my purse. Just before I left for the second and last time, I noticed Eric still in my bed. He was just now rubbing the sleepy blur out of his eyes. His hair was a tousled mess and the blanket was now falling off the side of the bed, giving me a peak at his perfectly sculpted torso and thick, hunky leg. He may have been incredibly handsome, but he was way too much trouble. The past few months were riddled with dramatic fights, plates breaking and infidelity accusations. Our relationship was getting rockier and rockier by the day. It was affecting me in a lot of different ways, and I found myself resorting to food as a comfort more often than usual. I was never a stick-figured type of girl, but not with all the problems Eric was causing me, I found my curves to start getting more voluptuous.

  It bothered me at first. Just like every other woman in America, I idolized those beautiful women in the magazine ads. But lately I realized I could be just a beautiful, even with my thicker look. So I gave myself an approving nod in the mirror and walked out the door, leaving Eric to bring himself out of his sleepy haze.

  I couldn’t let the drama at home effect me. Today I was interviewing for the dream job I’ve always wanted; receptionist at a very well known film production company. Ok maybe it wasn’t my dream job, but it was the first step towards my dream of working as a producer, making blockbuster films and winning dozens upon dozens of awards. I already had a shelf picked out for my Oscar, it was made out of dark mahogany and about two feet in length, perfect size and color to highlight my most prized possession. Right now it held up my other most prized possession, a framed picture of Oliver the cat who was my best friend since I was a teenager. He was an obese tabby that loved to sleep on my face at the most inopportune times, but I loved him regardless.

  I ran down the street, tripping over the abandoned shoes of someone who stayed out way to late partying, hopped in my little Prius and sped out of my coveted street parking spot, only to be met by typical LA traffic. Fuck, I thought. I was running late already and the office was at least another thirty minutes away. For a moment I considered how fast it would take me to get there on horseback, but that plan was ruined by the fact that I didn’t know how to ride a horse nor did I have easy access to said horse. So I just sat there, boiling in my own anxiety. I tried doing breathing exercises to calm my nerves. I even popped in a CD I had that just consisted of river noises, which was a bad mistake since all it did was made me realize I needed to go to the bathroom. So I quickly turned that off and listened to the newest Ke$ha song, hoping that my brain would at least rot itself numb.

  Unfortunately, thirty minutes and a countless number of other mindless pop songs later, my mind was still intact. I was lucky enough to find some street parking and raced over to the imposingly large office building as fast as my heels would let me. I almost fell onto a sleeping homeless man but I finally made it, opening the door and walking into a beautifully modern building. Everything was white, highlighted by green bamboo stalks and bright blue paintings. It was perfect and made me realize just how big of a fool I was for screwing this up. It was already twenty minutes past my scheduled interview time, there was no way I would be hired for this. But I was there and I wasn’t a quitter so I straightened my skirt a bit, ironed out my white blouse with my hands and walked up to the reception desk.

  “Hi, I’m here for the interview,” I said, trying to hide the fact that I was out of breath and exhausted from the stress.

  “You’re late,” was all the receptionist said. She didn’t even look up past her beach blond bangs, just stared straight ahead at her computer. Must have been some really interesting stuff on her Facebook.

  “I know, I’m so sorry. I got stuck in traffic and tried my best to get here on time,” my apologetic tone felt a little fake due to the fact that I was already annoyed by the receptionist. It was no wonder why they wanted her gone.

  “Slade, she’s here for you.” Was all she said into a phone, still not making any eye-contact with me. I didn’t even say thank you. Instead I just walked over to a beautiful leather blue chair and sat down, finally feeling my muscles relax since I woke up in the morning. It was then that I realized who she called. Slade Lockwood. He was the famous producer, the big boss, the head honcho of the film industry and of this company. He was estimated to be worth billions. So why the hell was I meeting with him?! Anxiety started rising up, giving me that light-headed topsy-turvy stomach flu kind of feeling. I was interviewing for a receptionist position, not a CEO position.

  I didn’t have to wait long until the medusa at the front desk said I could head on to the sixty-first floor and meet with Slade. I grabbed my purse and walked past her, sneaking a peak at her computer screen. Sure enough she was Facebook stalking.

  As I waited for the elevator I went over my mental notes. Ok so I’m meeting with one of the most influential people in Hollywood. No biggie. Just role with it. Holy shit. Anxiety was evolving into full blown panic once the elevator doors opened. The ride up to the sixty-first floor felt like it was taking an eternity but it finally stopped and the metallic doors slid open to drop me off into the middle of a huge room that looked like it was straight out of an art film. The décor followed the modern trend that the lobby had but set the bar even higher.

  Everything gleamed ivory, with deep black and navy blue accents spread throughout. A huge aquarium took up a whole wall, with beautifully stunning fish floating through like a dream. I felt my jaw drop open a little bit as I took it all in.

  “You can come in,” I heard a voice say, realizing that I was frozen to the spot and that the elevator was just about to close on me. I stumbled out and looked to the right, and was greeted by a huge glass wall that looked out over all of Los Angeles. If my jaw wasn’t open before it was to the floor now. Thankfully I wasn’t scared of heights.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” The voice said again. It snapped me back to reality, reminding me that I wasn’t here to just admire the view. I looked away from the window and towards the voice.

  “Yes.” Was all I could say as I instantly forgot the view and focused all my attention on the perfect specimen of a man sitting in front of me. I had seen pictures of Slade before but nothing could have prepared me for the real thing. His jet black hair was cut short, highlighting his breathtaking amber eyes. I had never seen someone’s eye color be that exceptionally vibrant. His impeccably sculpted face just exuded sex appeal, and the way his perfectly tailored navy blue shirt hugged his broad shoulders made me hypnotized. His light blue shirt was unbuttoned at the top, revealing a hint of what
I imagined to be the most perfect chest I had ever seen.

  “Do you want to sit?” He said, motioning to a chair in front of his desk.

  I couldn’t even answer. Instead I just walked over to the chair, feeling myself turn redder and redder with every step. He must have noticed the open admiration I had for him.

  “So, you’re late.” His tone was not light, which really didn’t surprise me. It made me feel like I was being reprimanded. Just the way I wanted to start the interview.

  “Yea, I’m so so sorry. I woke up and my cat had really bad stomach problems.” My cat? Why the hell was wrong with me?

  “Interesting. Your name?”

  Straight to the point. He was that type of man.

  “My name? It’s Nicole.”

  “Beautiful name.” Even with compliments, he still sounded like he was scolding me.

  “Thank you, it means people of victory in Greek.” As if he really wanted to know that. What was wrong with me today.

  “Interesting again. So why should I hire you, Nicole?” His voice was starting to soften just the slightest bit. This time he didn’t say my name as though he was going to beat me with a belt.

  “Well, I have three years of previous receptionist experience and I have a strong passion for the entertainment business. I swear I can man the front of this ship like no other.”

  “And will you be late to said ship?”

  Jesus, was he ever going to drop the late thing?

  “No, sir. This was a one-time thing. I’ll fix my cat.”

  “I hate cats.” He said curtly and matter-of-factly, as though expecting me to jump in and agree, saying that I only had a cat because of a lost bet. Instead I just stayed quiet. As soon as he noticed I wasn’t going to respond, he grabbed a light blue folder that was resting on his desk and pulled out a few pieces of paper.

  “This is your resume.” His eyes scanned the paper as though he were looking over a trashy ad in a magazine.

  “Ah, yes, sir. That is certainly my resume.”

  “I hate reading these.”

  “Oh. Ok.” I said, caught off guard. I had absolutely no idea where this interview was going. It was certainly unlike any other interview I had ever been too. For one, I wanted this job like no other. Second, I felt as though I was already too a bad start. And lastly, Slade’s cologne was starting to reach my seat, sending a flush to my cheeks. I was never turned on by a man’s smell before, but there was a first time for everything.

  “Here. Let’s get rid of this, shall we?” And with that, Slade ripped my resume in half. My whole life’s work on just two pieces of paper. Cut straight down the middle. When he set the papers down, he looked over at me with his intense, amber eyes and stood up from his chair. It was the first time I saw his whole body in it’s entirety and it was incredible. The way his biceps bulged ever so slightly from the priceless, and perfectly tailor suit sent a rush of heat throughout my body. His butt was framed perfectly by his pants, and I couldn’t help but notice his member, which made quite an apparent bulge at the front of his trousers. Suddenly, the heat that spread throughout my body focused right in between my legs. I could feel myself getting more and more excited as each moment passed.

  “I like to make sure everyone that works here is an example of quality. I only surround myself with passionate, driven individuals. Do you find yourself to be… passionate, Ms. Kimberly?” The way he said passionate was like a shock to my system. I could feel something underneath his words, some sort of desire that wasn’t there when I had first walked in. “What is your last name?”

  I guess he really didn’t like reading resumes. “Ms. Brookes.” I said, a little bothered that he didn’t know my full name, but not bothered enough to overcome the arousal that was dispersing throughout me. I shifted in my seat, suddenly aware of the moisture growing in between my thighs. I couldn’t help but steal quick glances towards his crotch. I could have sworn his bulge was growing.

  He was slowly walking back and forth now, from one end of the window to the other.

  “Are you willing to work hard? Past what you are asked for? Are you willing to go above and beyond in order to make sure everything runs properly? And if I need you for any… personal matters, will you be able to attend to them?”

  I was a little taken aback by his question. I had been under the impression that it was just a receptionist job, but he was making it sound as though I would be his assistant. Either position would have been a blessing though, especially since Slade was one of the most powerful men in Hollywood.

  “Yes. To all of that. I’ll wash your underwear if you want me to.”

  Wait, what did I just say?

  “You certainly are an eager one,” he said. I could have sworn I saw his lips curl into the slightest of smiles but if there was anything there, it quickly reverted back to his hardened persona.

  “I am. You’re my dream. I mean, this job. This job is my dream and I really want to work under you… for you. Sorry, Mr. Lockwood, but I thought this was for the receptionist position? Will I be doing assistant duties too,” I asked, trying to divert attention from my awkwardness. My thoughts were all turning into a jumbled mess and I was making a total fool of myself, yet I couldn’t take my focus off of Slade. He still kept his slow pace, walking in front of the window, except now I could notice a definite outline on the front of his pants.

  “Yes, it was for the receptionist position. But I feel as though you might be bettered suited… working under me as you said.” Well, my diversion tactics didn’t work.

  He stopped walking in front of the window and turned towards me. I was now looking at his whole imposing figure. He must have been at least six feet and four inches off the ground, his shoulders broad and muscular and his neck was wide and strong. My eyes strayed back down and noticed his tool was now fully erect, pressing against the fabric of his pants. I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks flush bright red. He, on the other hand, was looking straight into my eyes. I couldn’t tell if he knew I had noticed, but I was almost sure he was doing this all on purpose.

  He didn’t bother to hide his huge bulge as he walked over to me. I felt my whole body tense with a sort of anticipation. This interview was not turning out how I would have ever expected it to.

  He stopped just behind me. I felt him put both hands on the back of the chair as he leaned in. His lips were now inches away from my ear. I could feel his warm breath caress the side of my cheek as I tilted towards his face. His scent was now filling me with desire. I tried to remind myself that this was way out of the bounds of what should have been a normal interview, but I couldn’t help but give in to the primal lust that was filling me.

  “From the minute you walked in here, Kimberly Brookes, I had an intense desire to claim you.”

  Claim? I had never heard that one before.

  “I feel as though there’s something incredibly special about you. I want to explore that. I want to explore you.” His voice was a low growl at this point.

  “I… I want you, Mr. Lockwood…. I also want this job. If this means… If this means I won’t get the job, then I’ll have to politely decline,” I couldn’t believe I was suggesting that I would take the job over having this perfect man send me over a blissful edge.

  I could have sworn I heard him laugh behind me.

  “This will only mean you’ll get the job, Ms. Kimberly Brookes. But I understand your reservations. Let me make my case clearer,” he whispered. The way he said my name was like a song I had never heard, a song that filled me with lust. Just as I was wondering what he was about to do, I felt his lips gently press against my cheek and then back to my ear. He took his tongue and gently traced the bottom of my ear. I heard his breathing becoming heavier as he took his hand and slowly massaged my shoulders.

  At his touch, I immediately grew wetter. I felt my nipples fill with excitement, pressing up against my bra. He must have sensed my excitement because he moved his hand from my shoulder and down to my breast. He u
ndid the buttons on my blouse and slid his strong hand underneath my bra, taking my erect nipple in between his fingers and sending waves of pleasure down my back and straight to my moist center. I started gently grinding on the chair, enjoying each passing moment. A small moan escaped my mouth.

  For a split second, the Eric flashed through my mind. Guilt almost creeped it’s ugly head into the lust filled moment but I immediately recalled just months ago when I found Eric with another woman. I remembered how broken I was after and compared it to how alive I was feeling now, except there was no comparison. I wanted Slade. I wanted him inside me. I wanted to give myself to him in the most sinful of ways.

  And then the phone rang. I was expecting Slade to ignore it and keep fulfilling my every desire, but he didn’t ignore it. I guess business was calling. He slid his hands off of me and went to go pick up the phone, his rod now straining against his pants to be free. He looked at me with a hunger, his amber eyes commanding me to wait right where I was sitting.

  I watched as his face transformed from that hungry desire to an angry-holy-shit-something’s-wrong face. His eyebrows furrowed and his tone shifted. I couldn’t make out what he was saying since it seemed like another language I had never heard of, but it must have been bad. At one point he almost started yelling. I began to think I should have excused myself from the room, but I was still so aroused. I wanted him. His strong, demanding tone was sending chills down my spine and I had hold onto the chair before I threw myself on his still raging erection.

  After another harsh yell, he hung up the phone and turned his attention back towards me. I brought my hands up to my chest, unbuttoning the shirt. My breasts were about to spring free, nipples tight with arousal, when Slade interrupted me.

  “You have to leave.”

  My face must have dropped, along with my hand. I was so heated that at first I thought he was joking but the urgency in his voice sent a weird shiver down the back of my spine. Something was wrong and I wasn’t sure I wanted to stick around to find out what it was, even though I wanted him to fuck my brains out.